estimate variance

英 [ˈestɪmət ˈveəriəns] 美 [ˈestɪmət ˈveriəns]




  1. Non-negative estimate of variance and its properties in measurement error model
  2. Shrunken Principal Components Estimate and Its Variance Optimality;
  3. After analyzing the statistical property of the decision variable, we use the Maximum Likelihood ( ML) criterion to adaptively estimate the variance of the Gaussian noise.
  4. Generalized spectral decomposition estimate of variance components The Spectra of Hypercubes
  5. Because the residual variance is the least. It is thinked that it is wise to estimate the variance and genetic parameters of reproduction trait using Model ⅲ.
  6. The Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Variance
  7. A method is presented for estimating the location and dispersion effects from these experiments. Firstly, we estimate the variance and the mean of each cell with maximum likelihood;
  8. The Mixed Estimate and Biased Estimate of Error Variance
  9. This paper presents a new way to estimate the measurement variance of noise in the analytical chemistry signals for the Kalman filter by means of implementing the wavelet analysis, according to that wavelet transformation can separate the noise in high frequency band from the original signal.
  10. Non-homogeneous quadratic form admissible estimate for error variance: curve growth model with common mean
  11. Under many conditions, its frequency distinction and estimate variance can satisfy the practical appliance.
  12. To study a suitable measure to compare the risk of two exposures. The concept of excess risk is used to establish the comparative measure, rer, and Taylor's series approach is used to estimate the variance of the rer.
  13. The Estimate of Variance Components Based on M-Estimate Residuals
  14. The admissibility of non-homogeneous quadratic form estimate of variance on the growth curve model was studied under quadratic loss function.
  15. The estimate for error variance in two classes of growth curve model& the Quadratic Admissible Estimate
  16. For fractional factorial designs several different approaches to estimate this variance have been suggested.
  17. Using a GARCH specification, I estimate minimum variance hedge ratios for electricity futures. Finally, I expound the reality significance of the electricity futures market in the reform of electricity market.
  18. The approach based on Maximum Likeihood ( MLE) treats the unknown temporal variable as a constant, which generates a larger estimate variance, In this paper, the relation model of known temporal information and unknown temporal variable has been established.
  19. The study stressed on the estimate arithmetic, variance-covariance models and the degree of uncertainty.
  20. We used minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation ( MINQUE) methods with 1 for all prior components ( MINQUE ( 1)) to estimate the variance components for single trait and covariance components between two traits.
  21. Furthermore, ridge estimate is given, it is shown that ridge estimate is uniformly superior to is estimate of error variance and is admissible estimate under the suitable condition.
  22. And the estimate formular of variance part in G-M model was simplified.
  23. Research on size of neighborhood to estimate the variance of wavelet coefficient
  24. A necessary and sufficient condition that the quadratic estimate for error variance in linear model is ■-admissible
  25. We can get its estimating methods sparately and aclvance how to estimate system variance and confidence coefficient are problems that are need further researches.
  26. In practical applications where the variance of noise is unknown or changeable, this approach can estimate the noise variance and the threshold adaptively.
  27. Distance between dots should be uniform in the field measurement. Sampling number should be estimated by certain believe level, estimate accuracy and variance coefficient. 8.
  28. Spatially Adaptive context modeling can efficiently estimate and determine variance and threshold of the coefficient matrixes after the transformation and showed good local adaptation and accuracy.
  29. Most paper chose the square neighborhood of the current point to estimate the coefficient variance. This form of neighborhood selection considers that the wavelet coefficients energy distribution of different direction is isotropic, but it does not match the actual distribution of the wavelet coefficients.
  30. The results show that the statistical inference based on the likelihood function, though do not need to estimate the variance, the asymptotic distribution of the statistic is not easy to be proved, when deducing the testing statistics in high dimensions.